Job Seeker Series: In-Person Interview Etiquette Tips

You’ve impressed your prospective employer on paper with a stellar resume and cover letter and maybe even a phone interview. Now it’s time to meet face-to-face and make a positive impression in-person. Having good job interview etiquette as an interviewee can make or break the hiring process.

As a boutique hiring agency, Mulberry Talent Partners works closely with many job seekers and advises them on the best ways to impress employers during the hiring process. What many people don’t realize is that a little effort can go a long way. During a time when job competition is fierce and job seekers are looking for any way to stand out, we are here to help. Among our many personalized hiring services, we provide all of our job seekers with these simple and impactful in-person job interview etiquette tips.

Research the company prior to your interview

Having a good understanding of the company you are interviewing for shows that you care about the process and have interest in not only the job, but the company as a whole.

Turn off your cell phone before entering the building

Cell phone manners have really fallen to the wayside as the devices have become more prevalent. Show your interviewer that they have your undivided attention by removing all possible distractions—the biggest of which is your phone.

Always arrive 15 minutes early

By planning to arrive 15 minutes early, you can reduce the risk of running late because of unexpected traffic or other delays. It also provides you a few moments to mentally prepare before entering the building for the interview. Sit in your car, gather your thoughts and go over any key points you want to bring up in your interview. Head into the building 5-10 minutes before your scheduled interview time.

Bring multiple printed copies of your most up-to-date resume

Showing that you are organized and prepared for professional settings like interviews or meetings can help give you an edge against the competition. Bring multiple copies of your resume to provide your interviewer(s) to show that you thought ahead. This also provides your interviewer with easy access to your professional history and experience during the interview.

Bring a note pad and pen to take notes

Take notes about the responsibilities of the position and write down any questions you may have so you can ask them at the end of the interview. This shows that you are invested in the process, pay attention to detail and are interested in the position.

Take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions

Most interviews close with the interviewer asking the interviewee if they have any questions. While it’s easy to simply say “no” and head out the door, take advantage of this moment to bring up any skills or assets you may be able to provide the company that weren’t already discussed. Don’t be afraid to show confidence in your skills and abilities. It’s also wise to come prepared with and ask your interviewer no more than three questions. This shows that you are engaged, curious and eager to learn. Think of more questions than you will need beforehand in case any of them are answered for you during the interview itself.

Send a thank you note to your interviewer(s) the same day.

To make sure you don’t forget their names and have correct spellings and job titles, make sure to collect all of your interviewer’s business cards before you leave the interview. Make sure to send your thank you email that same day, even better yet, send it as soon as you get home from the interview so that you don’t forget as you move on with your day. Keep your thank you email brief and sincere.

There are endless ways to stand out during the interview process, but by implementing these simple in-person job interview etiquette tips, you can be well on your way to your next big job opportunity and the next step in your career.

See more etiquette tips here! 

Mulberry Musings

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